Organologi Dan Kegunaan Tifa Pada Masyarakat Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula Maluku Utara

Irmawati Irwan, Glenie Latuni, RAD Sri Hartati


This research aims to describe the organ structure and uses of Tifa music in the Sula Islands Regency, North Maluku Province. The method used is descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques using interviews with cultural actors in the Sula Islands, direct observation in Waihama village, documentation with Tifa makers or players and literature study. The results showed that Tifa music in the Sula Islands Regency has an organ structure including: the surface of the Tifa is made of goat skin. Tifa body that uses gufasa wood with a height of 44 cm, upper diameter 35 cm and lower diameter 33 cm. Tifa holes consisting of lower Tifa holes with a diameter of 33 cm and side Tifa holes with a diameter of 5 cm. Rattan Ring 1, Rattan Ring 2. The string or string used is number 210. Tifa wedge in the form of a small piece of gufasa wood like a blunt arrowhead. Tifa beater made of rattan with a length of 40 cm. Tifa music has various uses in the Sula Islands community, including: in traditional events used in weddings and welcoming guests, the sound of Tifa is considered sacred and has spiritual power. Entertainment is used to entertain the community when working together to prepare for celebrations. Education is used as a learning medium to introduce history, customs, culture and how to play Tifa. Therapy is used to help calm the mind, reduce stress, and improve motor coordination. Economy provides income for Tifa players and makers and supports the sustainability of cultural activities. Cultural identity is used as a symbol of strong cultural identity, reflecting the pride of the people of the Sula Islands Regency in their cultural heritage.


Organologi Tifa; Structure; Musical Uses; Sula Islands Regency; North Maluku

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