Sri Nurul Fadillah, Susasrita Loravianti, Auliana Muhkti Magrifah


Turuk Laggai is a ritual healing dance of the Mentawai Islands community that involves Sikerei (shaman). This dance has mystical elements and is closely related to animistic beliefs. Over time, Turuk Laggai has been modified into a performing art aimed at entertainment, without losing the essence of its original movements. Modifications are evident in the costumes used, where kabid and sabok are replaced with black pants, and in the use of musical instruments where the Tuddukat used is smaller than the original. These modifications are carried out by members of the art studio, not by Sikerei, and have a significant impact on the cultural identity of the Mentawai community.

This research uses the theory of modification proposed by Shils in Hand, supported by the opinions of Y. Sumandiyo Hadi regarding form. The purpose of this research is to explore the form and function of the Turuk Laggai modification in its performance art packaging and its impact on the cultural identity of the Mentawai Islands. The method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and literature studies.

The results of the study indicate that the modification of Turuk Laggai into a performing art not only preserves cultural heritage but also enhances tourism and local economy appeal. However, this modification also results in commercialization that can obscure the original meaning of the dance as a sacred ritual. The local community has varied responses; some see it as a form of cultural preservation, while others feel the loss of sacred values. This research provides an important contribution to understanding the dynamics of traditional culture undergoing change and adaptation amidst modernization.


Turuk Laggai, Modification, Performing art, Mentawai culture, Sikerei

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