Rike Kinter, Hamzah Hamzah2, Yunis Muler


The ladybug is one of the wild animals of the insect nation that has beautiful colors and shapes on the body that make them easily recognizable because of their quite distinctive appearance, so they can be distinguished from other insects. The physical form of the ladybug is very impressive for its beauty, which is currently rare. This work raises admiration for the beauty of the ladybug, in the form of painting in a representational form, which uses the concepts of distortion, deformation, and stylization which are represented using a decorative style. The method used consists of preparing to seek information, designing by expressing ideas from the data obtained, realizing the concept process that was originally designed, and after the embodiment process is complete, the finishing process is carried out, namely framing the work. Works in the two-dimensional form in the form of paintings, each of which has differences in both the visual form that is embodied and the feelings to be conveyed regarding the ladybug, which consists of eight works with the titles Plural, Home, Lady Bugs Dance, Confused, Confused # 2, Queen, Attractive and Crowd.




ladybug, decorative and painting


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