Ekspresi Keni Gayo Sebagai Ide Penciptaan Kriya Interior
Keni Gayo is a cultural tool of the Gayo people in the form of artwork made of clay, Keni Gayo was originally used by the Gayo people in marriage ceremonies, as one of the equipment that will be carried by the bride to the groom's place, as an eye sign for the groom's colleagues and relatives. The craftsman elevates the form of Keni Gayo into the creation of interior crafts because this water reservoir as well as traditional cultural tools belonging to the Gayo people has a function and meaning for the Gayo people. The method used in this work is through several flow methods, namely Pre-Design, Design, Embodiment and Presentation. The realization of work using wood media finishing or finishing using a melamine system. The concept in making this work is the concept of symbolic expression is a modern art form by utilizing traditional idioms as a basic element of its composition, the use of idioms contextually has been reduced due to the process of processing artists in interpreting forms symbolically. The presence of the meaning of tradition is no longer as a thematic pouring of ideas but as a textual symbol offered by artists, to provide freedom of interpretation. The embodiment of this final project work the artist made a form of visualization of keni Gayo using wood media with carving techniques. The work is a two-dimensional and three-dimensional work with different shapes and almost the same color. The number of works worked on is in the form of six works, four two-dimensional works and two three-dimensional works.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26887/educraf.v3i2.4445
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Program Studi Pendidikan Kriya, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain
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