The Application of Encaustic Technique in the Creation of LIMBOSIS Figurative Sculpture Artworks
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Ekspresi Seni: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni
E-ISSN 2580-2208 | P-ISSN: 1412-1662 | DOI: 10.26887/ekspresi
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Editor in Chief: Dr. Dede Pramayoza | Managing Editor: Saaduddin, M.Sn | Thegar Risky.S.Kom | Febri Desman, S.Hum | Elfira Roza, S.Kom
Publisher: Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) ISI Padangpanjang
Jalan Bahder Johan, Kota Padangpanjang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia 27128 | Phone: (0752) 82077 | Fax: (0752) 82803
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni © 2017 by LPPM Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International