VCoDe : Visual Communication Design Journal

VCoDe: Journal of Visual Communication Design is an academic journal published by Department of Visual Communication Design, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang twice a year. This journal publishes original articles with focuses on the results of studies in the field of Visual Communication Design since 2021.

VCoDe: Journal of Visual Communication Design with registered number ISSN : 2987-6400 (Online) is peer review frequency of publish is two issues in a year.

The coverage of topics in this journal includes:

1. Design and Art History
2. Visual Culture
3. Art and Design Methodology
4. Art and Design Discourse
5. Design and Culture
6. Art and Design Sociology
7. Design and Art Management
8. Art Criticism
9. Anthropology of Art and Design
10. Industrial Design
11. Visual Communication Design
12. Product Photography
13. Multimedia
14. Animation
15. Advertising
16. Psychology of Design
17. Education Design

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Volume 4, Nomor 1, Desember 2024

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