Harissman Harissman, Martwan Martwan


The forms of calligraphy paintings was expression of philosophical values of taqwa, it reflected the content of the holy Qur'an and giving the deep guidance of the importance of having attitude, behaviour and norms in a social life of human being. "Taqwa is being obeyed to all of Allah regulations cause of the light that comes from Allah almighty and he expects the reward from Allah and he leaves all the sins activities cause of the light of Allah and he fears of the torture from Allah". The method approach that used in this research were exploration, design and execution of the art work, which had previously been done through literature studies, empirical studies and field studies. The creation of calligraphy painting took from the translation of the holy Qur'an by surah Ali Imran verse 102 that stated "O you who believe, fear Allah truly in His piety; and do not ever die except in a Muslim situation. Calligraphy painting was a bridging of taqwa’s values as an expression to public.


calligraphy painting; expressions; verses of the Quran

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Ekspresi Seni: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni 

E-ISSN 2580-2208 | P-ISSN: 1412-1662 | DOI: 10.26887/ekspresi 
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Editor in Chief: Dr. Dede Pramayoza | Managing Editor: Saaduddin, M.Sn | Thegar Risky.S.Kom | Febri Desman, S.Hum | Elfira Roza, S.Kom
Publisher: Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat  (LPPM) ISI Padangpanjang
Jalan Bahder Johan, Kota Padangpanjang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia 27128 | Phone: (0752) 82077 | Fax: (0752) 82803



Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni © 2017 by LPPM Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International