Ernida Kadir, Hardi Hardi


This text discusses the essence and urgency of scientific research in dance to know, understand, and practice what is studied using scientific methods and steps. This is important because, based on the reality of students' abilities to read, understand, and analyze dance performance texts, books, and other secondary sources reflected through scientific papers, it has not developed well. There is an imbalance between two forms of scientific work whose essences differ between creation and study. The tendency to produce dance works with high virtuosity skills is more dominant compared to producing written works that require students to have deep insights or knowledge of humanities such as performing arts, history, religion, culture, anthropology, social sciences, politics, and economics, using relevant research methods. Observing Sal Murgiyanto's statement (2018: x) that the lack of critical dance discourse is due to the underdevelopment of Dance Literacy. This is fundamentally caused by the lack of basic skills in sensitivity, logical thinking, and critical writing. Therefore, when students are faced with the obligation to carry out scientific tasks, they experience confusion, not knowing what to study and how to write it according to scientific methods. To address this issue, research activities related to performing arts need to be mastered. The research referred to is Qualitative research, which has non-standard characteristics and can develop during the research process (V. Wiratna Sujarweni, 2021: 22). The collection of qualitative data is adjusted to the type of qualitative research chosen with relevant data collection methods, such as observation, interviews, and document studies.


Research Performing Arts Dance

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