Ninon Syofia, Doni Osmond, Dwi Junafriani


This study aims to discuss the aesthetics contained in the Kejai dance in the Pinang Belapis Studio, Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method that uses descriptive analysis in accordance with the problems formulated. All data obtained, both written data and data in the field, are then described and analyzed according to the research problem. To discuss all the problems, Nyoman Khuta Ratna used aesthetic theory along with a companion theory to discuss the form and content of the Kejai dance by A.A.M Djelantik. Regarding the form, the opinion of Y. Sumandyo Hadi is used. Kejai dance is a dance that lives and develops among the people of Rejang Lebong Regency, one of which is in the Pinang Belapis Studio. The results showed that the aesthetics contained in the Kejai dance at Pinang Belapis Studio lies in the form of the performance in the form. The aesthetic value contained in the Kejai dance at Pinang Belapis Studio is not only seen from the form of beauty but also has a good value in the form of the performance.


Kejai Dance, Pinang Belapis Studio, Aesthetic

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26887/gjg.v3i1.5005


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