Mardias Hamdani, Suryanti Suryanti, M. Jeki Aprisela


The creation of this work entitled Fruits Sampleo as an idea for the creation of a work of printmaking art. by creating a visual of sample fruit or papaya using visual elements and visual principles, the artist's interest is in raising the sample fruit with a family background that has problems with poor digestion. for humans, the creation of this work aims to hone technical and material skills in printmaking works. The theory used in this creation uses the theory of the surreal form approach and the use of distortion and disformation transformation along with the use of visual elements and visual principles. The creation method is carried out through the preparation stage, reference drawings, then to the design stage by making alternative sketches and entering the selection of the selected sketches, totaling five sketches. or print reference. The coloring of the work uses black and white, and performs the printing process on paper which has five series of prints. The final stage is entering the stage of presenting the work, with the titles, "Transformation #1", "Transformation #2", "Transformation #3", "Transformation #4", "Transformation #5".


Papaya, Representational, Printmaking


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Sumber Lain:

iNVh5d5GwCp5B6br7, https://images.app.goo.gl/Nt92S7YogF27ryMg8, https://images. app goo.gl/dvQcN54P9vJNBz7U9, http:// www.intaglio- fine-art.com/proddetail.php?prod=Q204


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26887/educraf.v2i2.3783


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