
Offscreen: Film and Television Journal (E-ISSN: 2830-5272) is an academic journal published by Department of Film and Television, Faculty of Visual Art and Design , Indonesian Institute of Art Padangpanjang twice a year (June and December). This journal publishes original articles with focuses on the results of studies in the field of Film and Television.

Any submitted paper to Offscreen: Film and Television Journal will be reviewed by reviewers. Review process employs Double-blind Review that the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewers.

Offscreen: Film and Television Journal has become a CrossRef Member. Therefore, all articles published by this journal will have unique DOI number. This Journal is indexed by: GooglescholarGaruda, CrossrefIndonesia OneSearch, BASEROAD, CORE, Dimensions, DRJI and Index Copernicus International



Journal Homepage Image

Vol 2, No 01: Offscreen: Journal Of Film and Television (July-December 2022)

Published on December 29, 2022

Offscreen : Journal of Film and Television is an academic journal published by Department of Film and Television, Faculty of Visual Art and Design , Indonesian Institute of Art Padangpanjang twice a year. This journal publishes original articles with focuses on the results of studies in the field of Film and Television.

Table of Contents


Alfira Berliani Amalia, Dina Dwika Oktora
Daniel Simanjuntak, Mohammad Santosa Mulyo Diningrat, Rizki Muhammad Ardian Setiadi
Irham Irham, Yusril Yusril, Rustim Rustim
Wahyu Nova Riski, Girsang Murawaty Nitasri
Tyas Arum Delimasari, Heriyanto Heriyanto
Ghalif Putra Sadewa