ARTCHIVE : Indonesia Journal of Visual Art an Design (E-ISSN 2723-536X ), is an academic journal published by Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain- Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang in cooperation with Relawan Jurnal Indonesia ( RJI ) twice a year (June and November). This journal publishes original articles with Focus in Fine Art and Design . Scope areas are: Television & Film | Photography | Craft | Mode | Media | Multimedia | Tourism | Creative Industry | Tekstil | Batik Creative Process and conceptual research in Fine Art and Design.
Any submitted paper to ARTCHIVE : Indonesia Journal of Visual Art an Design will be reviewed by reviewers. Review process employs Double-blind Review that the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewers.
ARTCHIVE : Indonesia Journal of Visual Art an Design has become a CrossRef Member since 2021. Therefore, all articles published by this journal will have unique DOI number. This journal has been indexed by: Googlescholar, Garuda.
Call for Paper |
We invite researchers, scholars and authors to submit their original and extended research to publish with Artchive: Indonesia Journal of Visual Art and Design for the upcoming general issue (Volume 5, Issue 2, Desember 2024).
Topics covered include but not limited to: Design History, Art History, Visual Culture, Design Methodology, Design Process, Design Discourse, Design and Culture, Sociology Design, Design Management, Art Critism, Anthropology of Art, Artifact Design, Industrial Design, Visual Communication Design, Photography, Interior Design, Craft, Architecture, Film, Multimedia, Creative Industry, Design Policy, and other historical, critical, cultural, psychological, educational and conceptual research in visual art and design. Please visit Online Submissions For more information on the submission process. E-mail:,
Posted: 2024-08-20 | |
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Vol 5, No 1 (2024): ARTCHIVE : Indonesia Journal of Visual Art and Design
Table of Contents
Case Study of Embroidery Craft Application in Barung-Barung Balantai, Koto XI Tarusan Subdistrict, South Pesisir Regency, West Sumatra: Gus Fitri's Embroidery House
DOI : 10.53666/artchive.v5i1.4111
| Abstract views : 287 times
Fitriah Mahmudah, Yusmerita Yusmerita
Analysis of Lighting Arrangement in the Film "Buried" (2010) by Director Rodrigo Cortez
DOI : 10.53666/artchive.v5i1.4098
| Abstract views : 295 times
Angling Sagaran, Dikdik Sayahdikumullah, Muksin Muksin
A Study of Didung Putra's Painting "Opera Of Dreams" In The Philosophy of Art By Susanne K. Langer
DOI : 10.53666/artchive.v5i1.4078
| Abstract views : 137 times
Mardina Rahayu, Wahyu Lestari, Sunarto Sunarto, Eva Y.
Revitalization Of Balango: Local Ceramic Art and Products from Galogandang Luhak Nan Tuo, West Sumatra
DOI : 10.53666/artchive.v5i1.4550
| Abstract views : 158 times
Wisnu Prastawa, Selvi Kasman, Purwo Prihatin, Sriyanto Sriyanto
Reading Between The Shadows: Barthes' Semiotic Analysis of 'The Monstrumologist' Cover Design
DOI : 10.53666/artchive.v5i1.4551
| Abstract views : 128 times
Hendratno Hendratno
Documentary Film Production as a Promotional Medium in Nagari Pasilihan, Solok Regency.
DOI : 10.53666/artchive.v5i1.3944
| Abstract views : 174 times
Siti Fadilla, Riki Rikarno, Marhen Marhen, Afdi Nur Ilham, Fuadil Hulum
Analysis of the Batik Tutur Motif on 'Justin Holiday' Clothing.
DOI : 10.53666/artchive.v5i1.4037
| Abstract views : 98 times
Muhammad Fauzan