Creativity And Research Theatre Journal (P-ISSN: 2715-5404 | E-ISSN: 2715-5412 | DOI: Creativity And Research Theatre Journal is an academic journal published and managed by the Theatre Arts Study Program, Faculty of Performing Arts, ISI Padangpanjang. It is based on the Open Journal System (OJS) and is published twice a year in Edition December-May and Edition June-November. Creativity And Research Theatre Journal contains various reflections, creative process notes, and research findings in the field of Theatre Arts specifically, and dramatic arts in general.
Every manuscript submitted to the editorial desk of Creativity And Research Theatre Journal is examined by editors and reviewers using the Blind Review method. Each reviewer is unaware of the identity of the manuscript's owner, and each author is unaware of the identity of the manuscript's reviewer. Creativity And Research Theatre Journal is currently registered by CrossRef Member and each manuscript has a Digital Object Identifier as required by the Arjuna Accreditation. Each manuscript is now also indexed on: Googlescholar , Garuda and has been accredited Sinta 5
Call for Paper: Creativity and Research Theatre Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, Mei 2022 |
Kami mengundang para peneliti, cendekiawan, dan penulis untuk mengirimkan naskah artikel penelitian dan atau penelitian berbasis praktik penciptaan di bidang Teater dan Seni Dramatik lainnya, untuk diterbitkan oleh Creativity and Research Theatre Journal (CARTJ) pada edisi mendatang (Volume 4, Edisi 1, Mei 2022).
Posted: 2022-03-25 | |
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Vol 6, No 1 (2024): Creativity And Research Theatre Journal (CARTJ)
Table of Contents
Dramatic Structure and Development of Randai Sutan Maradewa in Nagari Anduriang, Padangpariaman
DOI : 10.26887/cartj.v6i1.4238
| Abstract views : 92 times
Martini Martini, Afrizal H
Narrative Analysis From The Perspective Of Personality Psychology On The Character Of Mrs. Martopo Manuscript Orang Kasar By Anton Chekov
DOI : 10.26887/cartj.v6i1.4302
| Abstract views : 84 times
Monita Precillia, Dewi Arimbi, Dedi Darmadi
Randai Malin Nan Kondang: From Kaba to Musical Performance
DOI : 10.26887/cartj.v6i1.4371
| Abstract views : 85 times
Wenhendri Wenhendri, Firdaus Firdaus
Rumah Kreatif Tambak Bayan; Arts Community Based Character Education
DOI : 10.26887/cartj.v6i1.4377
| Abstract views : 88 times
Melati Pravita Sari, Ilham Rifandi, Aulia Rahmatika
The Potential of Randai as an Educational Tourism Attraction Based on Experiential Learning in West Sumatra
DOI : 10.26887/cartj.v6i1.4494
| Abstract views : 50 times
Muhammad Fadli, Fernando Fasandra