Aziz Nashsor Efendi, Indra Irawan


Advertising is a form of information carried out by a person, agency/institution, or company, the contents of which are in the form of an interesting message about a product or service aimed at the public. The purpose and objective of advertising is to persuade/encourage people to become interested in a product/service being offered, an event or activity, as well as job vacancies. The Pocari Sweat Bintang SMA advertisement is an advertisement in the context of an online-based talent search event held by Pocari Sweat aimed at high school students throughout Indonesia. In this talent search event, Contestants will compete to become a true #SMA Bintang. This analysis aims to analyze Indonesian cultural values in the Pocari Sweat - Bintang SMA advertisement using qualitative analysis methods. Data collection techniques through qualitative methods are by looking at journal references and related articles on the internet and watching Pocari Sweat - Bintang SMA to be able to find out the elements of culture from the design aspect and the author's point of view. In addition, the approach used is the semiotic analysis approach of Saussure. Saussure's semiotic method is the relation between signifier and signified based on convention, which is usually called signification. Based on the results of the analysis, the cultural values in the Pocari Sweat - Bintang SMA advertisement are seen from the character design, setting, communication, and language. From this aspect, it can be seen the value of Indonesian culture in the Pocari Sweat - Bintang SMA advertisement.




Advertising, Animation, Culture, Semiotics

References (2019, 19 Oktober). 10 Finalis Pocari Sweat Bintang SMA Terpilih, Siap Ikuti GrandFinal di Pocari Sweat Festival. Diakses pada tanggal 6 April 2022. finalis-pocari-sweat-bintang-sma-terpilih-siap-ikuti- grand-final-di-pocari-sweat-festival (2019, 25 Oktober). Yoshitoshi Shinomiya Berbagi Cerita Tentang Pembuatan TVC POCARI SWEAT - Bintang SMA. Diakses pada tanggal 6 April 2022, dari shinomiya-berbagi-cerita-tentang-pembuatan-tvc-pocari-sweat-bintang-sma (2019, 16 November). Pocari Sweat Bintang SMA Siap Wujudkan Mimpi Besar Anak Indonesia. Diakses pada tanggal 6 April 2022, dari the-big-dreams- of-indonesian-youth



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