How To Train Your Dragon As An Idea for Creating A Mechanical Automata Toy Made From Wood

Ben Reza Awang, Wahyono Wahyono


This article aims to: (1) design a concept for a wooden mechanical automata toy inspired by the film "How to Train Your Dragon," (2) create a design for this toy, (3) explain the process of creating and visualizing the toy, and (4) present the final results. The creation process follows S.P. Gustami's art creation method: exploration, design, and transformation. Exploration involved observing and collecting data from YouTube and Pinterest about dragons, mechanical automata, and wooden toys. The design phase included creating sketches and working drawings, followed by executing the plan. The resulting works vary in size, color, shape, and mechanical techniques. The collection includes ten toys: Pendragon, Toothless Dragon, Robo Dragon, Domino Dragon, Guardian Dragon, Rex Dragon, Baby Dragon, Dragon Troop, Dragon Turtle, and Dragon Explorer. These toys are designed considering material, ergonomic, aesthetic, and functional aspects. The toys are characterized by their original designs, detailed craftsmanship, and simple mechanics, making them enjoyable for all age groups.


Mechanical Automata; Wooden Toy; How to Train Your Dragon; Design and Visualization.


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