Pewarnaan dengan Biji Alpukat pada Teknik Pembuatan Ecoprint di Fataya Ecoprint

Sri Sundari, Raudatul Asy, Indra Irawan


This research discusses "Coloring with Avocado Seeds in Making Ecoprints at Fataya Ecoprint". The aim of this research is to provide a benchmark or measurement for the results of ecoprint work in society. This research uses a qualitative method with the subject of the ecoprint coloring process with avocado seed processing in ecoprint, material selection (avocado seeds) color processing stage, application in ecoprint. This research was carried out at UMKM Fataya Ecoprint Sijunjung using three viscosity treatments of avocado seed extract with a ratio of 0.50. Mordant materials use alum (A1(2SO4)3), lime (CaCO3) and tunjung (FeSO4). The results of this research show that the highest color intensity was found in avocado seed extract dyeing in the 1.50 liter treatment. All treatments appear to have the same direction visually, alum and lime produce a brown color, then alum and tunjung produce a gray color. Qualitatively, each has quite relevant differences in color intensity and direction.


Natural Dyes; Avocado Seeds; Ecoprint.


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