Failed to fetch OJS Article Content. DISNEY, CARTOON NETWORK AND MCDONALD’S ADVERTISING ON RARE INDONESIAN PHONECARD FOLDERS | Tavares | Artchive: Indonesia Journal of Visual Art and Design


Wagner de Souza Tavares, Rani Uli Silitonga




Karakter dari perusahaan hiburan dan pemasaran media, seperti Disney, Cartoon Network, dan McDonald’s dicetak di kartu telepon di seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Beberapa dari kartu telepon ini tersedia dalam folder atau paket dengan informasi sebagai sumber dari sejarah penerbitan kartu telepon pengembangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan enam set kartu telepon Disney, Cartoon Network, dan McDonald’s Indonesia langka yang tersedia di folder yang terkait dengan strategi periklanan. Folder phonecard diperoleh dari koleksi pribadi yang berbasis di Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau, Indonesia. Kelangkaan folder ditentukan berdasarkan penciptaannya yang rendah. Folder dijelaskan, difoto, diklasifikasikan, dan diukur (cm). Folder yang diperoleh berhasil dijelaskan. Tanggal penerbitan folder bervariasi dari November 1996 hingga Oktober 1999, dan pembuatan 1000 unit. Kartu telepon magnetik dan voucher diidentifikasi. Tampilan karakter hiburan dan pemasaran media pada kartu telepon dalam map tercatat sebagai strategi periklanan dan mewakili pembangunan nasional di Indonesia pada dekade 1990.

 Kata Kunci: Disney, hiburan, koleksi kartu telepon, pemasaran media, seni dalam kartu telepon

Characters from entertainment and media marketing companies, such as Disney, Cartoon Network, and McDonald’s, were printed on phones worldwide, including Indonesia. Some of these phone cards were available in folders or packs with information as a resource of the development phone issuance history. This study aimed to describe six rare Indonesian Disney, Cartoon Network, and McDonald’s phone sets available in folders associated with advertising strategies. The phone folders were obtained from a private collection based in Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau, Indonesia. The rarity of the folders was defined based on their low mintage. The folders were described, photographed, classified, and measured (cm). The folders obtained were successfully described. Folder issue dates varied from November 1996 to October 1999, and a mintage of 1000 units. Magnetic and voucher phones were identified. The display of entertainment and media marketing characters on phones in folders is recorded as an advertising strategy and represented national development in Indonesia in the 1990 decade.




Keywords: art in phonecard, Disney, entertainment, media marketing, phonecard collection

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